Sacramento River ADH Modeling for ELAM Applications

A 2-D ADH hydrodynamic model of 70 miles of the Sacramento River was developed and calibrated for low to moderate discharges as part of a project to provide model flows for the Eulerian Lagrangian Agent Method (ELAM) fish movement model. DSLLC staff linked output from the ADH model to the Eulerian Lagrangian Agent Method (ELAM) fish movement model. ELAM is a cutting-edge model which incorporates fish bioenergentic data, a priori fish behavior patterns (foraging, migration, etc.), and hydrodynamics to model the behavior of fish populations. The model was calibrated to hydrographs from 2000 and 2010. Sensitivity tests were performed to make estimates of model uncertainty with respect to changes in roughness and channel morphology. The linked ADH hydrodynamic and ELAM fish movement model was used to provide travel time estimates of anadromous fish in the system and their response to habitat-conscious levee repair sites.
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