Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX)
Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is an EPA-supported water quality modeling and decision support system. CORMIX utilizes a rule-based flow classes approach to predict steady-state mixing behavior and simulate plume geometry for diverse discharge types ranging from municipal wastewater, desalinization facility outflows, drilling rig brines, or power plant cooling waters. DSLLC has applied CORMIX to assess the environmental impact on the mixing zones caused by heated thermal discharge and brine discharge. DSLLC also conducts sensitivity analysis to evaluate the effect of input parameters on the CORMIX model outputs including NFR zone location, time to NFR location, and plume size. While the CORMIX engine is simple to run, the processes it is simulating are not. DSLLC staff have the expertise required to understand plume dynamics and use the output to perform a wide range of engineering analyses.