Litigation Support and Expert Witness

Winning strategies for litigation cases related to compliance with environmental statutes or navigable waterway issues related to barge accidents require technical support from scientists and engineers who are recognized experts in their fields. Dynamic Solutions has provided litigation support to environmental attorneys representing clients seeking to resolve regulatory issues, evaluate apportionment of liability among Principal Responsible Parties for contaminated site remediation and cleanup costs, or clarify responsibility for navigable waterway issues and accidents. Our guiding principle and mission for all of our litigation projects is to perform high quality unbiased scientific and engineering analyses to develop and support sound legal strategies for successful litigation. Dynamic Solutions, LLC offers our clients technical expertise for litigation support services that include:
Dynamic Solutions maintains a primarily senior-level staff of subject-matter experts in various disciplines of water resources and engineering and we regularly support litigations and perform independent expert reviews for State and Federal agencies for feasibility studies, plan formulation, conceptual design, remediation plans, and final design purposes. Our litigation support services have included issues related to environmental statutes including the Clean Water Act (CWA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Dynamic Solutions, LLC has established a proven track record for completing complex coastal and water resources engineering projects including advanced multi-dimensional models for inland waterways, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters to address a wide range of technical issues.
With our high level of technical expertise using the most advanced surface water modeling tools, Dynamic Solutions, LLC has supported litigation for a number of high-profile environmental compliance and navigable waterway cases for inland waterways, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters nationwide. Several of our litigation projects have included development of transport/fate models of contaminated sediment beds to support assessments of the apportionment of liability for remediation and cleanup costs among Principal Responsible Parties (PRPs) for Superfund sites in urban-industrial waterways. Other litigation projects have required our expertise in navigation, hydraulics and sedimentation in navigable waterways to assess possible causes to establish responsibility for barge accidents, river bed scour and failure of bridge abutments. Litigation projects have called on our expertise in hydrodynamics, sediment, water quality, fisheries and aquatic ecosystems to assess possible interactions of river inflow and sea level rise on increased coastal inundation and flooding, salinity intrusion and adverse impacts from ecosystem decline of valuable shellfish and fishery resources. We have also supported litigation cases to assess the impact of NPDES permitted municipal and industrial wastewater discharges on compliance with water quality criteria, drinking water criteria and potential impacts of wastewater discharges on aquatic resources including large fish kill events.
Below is a list of DSLLC staff who may serve as expert witnesses and for what type of cases:
William McAnally, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, D.NE, D.CE – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures, Ecosystem decline
Christopher Wallen, PG – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures
Silong Lu, PhD, PE, D.WRE – Contaminated sediment transport, Water quality
Andrew Stoddard, PhD – Water quality
Shaye Sable, PhD – Ecosystem decline
Christopher Hall, PhD, PE – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures
Stephen Sanborn, PE – Navigation, Scour and resultant failures, Ecosystem decline
Please don’t hesitate to give us a call and, confidentially, discuss your case.
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Forensic Engineering
- Depositions
- Trial Preparations and Exhibits
- Field Investigation Sampling Capabilities
- Preparing and Responding to Discovery Requests
- Peer Review of Technical Documents
Dynamic Solutions maintains a primarily senior-level staff of subject-matter experts in various disciplines of water resources and engineering and we regularly support litigations and perform independent expert reviews for State and Federal agencies for feasibility studies, plan formulation, conceptual design, remediation plans, and final design purposes. Our litigation support services have included issues related to environmental statutes including the Clean Water Act (CWA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Dynamic Solutions, LLC has established a proven track record for completing complex coastal and water resources engineering projects including advanced multi-dimensional models for inland waterways, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters to address a wide range of technical issues.
- Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics
- Flood Risk Assessments
- Thermal Impacts
- Shallow/Deep Draft Navigation
- Bed Scour/Failure of Infrastructure
- Water Quality/Eutrophication
- NPDES Permits
- Habitat Restoration
- Hydrologic Analyses and Watershed Runoff
- Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise
- Regulatory Mixing Zones
- Sediment Transport
- Toxic Chemicals/Contaminant Fate
- Aquatic Ecosystem and Fisheries
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
- Wetland, Fish, Wildlife Mitigation
With our high level of technical expertise using the most advanced surface water modeling tools, Dynamic Solutions, LLC has supported litigation for a number of high-profile environmental compliance and navigable waterway cases for inland waterways, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters nationwide. Several of our litigation projects have included development of transport/fate models of contaminated sediment beds to support assessments of the apportionment of liability for remediation and cleanup costs among Principal Responsible Parties (PRPs) for Superfund sites in urban-industrial waterways. Other litigation projects have required our expertise in navigation, hydraulics and sedimentation in navigable waterways to assess possible causes to establish responsibility for barge accidents, river bed scour and failure of bridge abutments. Litigation projects have called on our expertise in hydrodynamics, sediment, water quality, fisheries and aquatic ecosystems to assess possible interactions of river inflow and sea level rise on increased coastal inundation and flooding, salinity intrusion and adverse impacts from ecosystem decline of valuable shellfish and fishery resources. We have also supported litigation cases to assess the impact of NPDES permitted municipal and industrial wastewater discharges on compliance with water quality criteria, drinking water criteria and potential impacts of wastewater discharges on aquatic resources including large fish kill events.
Below is a list of DSLLC staff who may serve as expert witnesses and for what type of cases:
William McAnally, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, D.NE, D.CE – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures, Ecosystem decline
Christopher Wallen, PG – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures
Silong Lu, PhD, PE, D.WRE – Contaminated sediment transport, Water quality
Andrew Stoddard, PhD – Water quality
Shaye Sable, PhD – Ecosystem decline
Christopher Hall, PhD, PE – Navigation, Contaminated sediment transport, Scour and resultant failures
Stephen Sanborn, PE – Navigation, Scour and resultant failures, Ecosystem decline
Please don’t hesitate to give us a call and, confidentially, discuss your case.