Housatonic River EFDC

For decades PCBs had been released onto the soil near and into the Housatonic River from a facilities in Pittsfield, MA. In 1998, after years of scientific investigations and regulatory actions, a comprehensive agreement was reached providing for the investigation and cleanup of the Housatonic River and associated areas. EPA is conducting a detailed modeling study of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and PCB fate and bioaccumulation in the Housatonic River below the confluence of the East and West Branches and encompassing watershed.
Dynamic Solutions, LLC managed and directed the Housatonic River Modeling Study as an integral component of this high visibility restoration effort. Dynamic Solutions LLC provided technical support for a feasibility evaluation of remedial alternatives associated with river diversion, contaminated sediment removal, leaching of DNAPL into groundwater and subsequent environmental restoration with the physical, biological, and anthropogenic affects of each alternative considered. DSLLC managed all aspects of work performed by the modeling team for this very high visibility project with responsibility for the development of the model grid, hydrodynamic model, sediment transport model, and the PCB transport and fate model. Modeling efforts included an evaluation of the hydrodynamic and sediment transport effects of rare flood events on the re-introduction of contaminated sediments into the surface water environment. In support of modeling efforts related to the implementation of EFDC, an advanced hydrodynamic and water quality model, Dynamic Solutions, LLC developed EFDC_Explorer as an innovative GUI software tool.
A process for peer reviews was also negotiated by EPA and followed through each major phase of the Housatonic project. The process included a public meeting peer review component and a separate 30-day review component. The Dynamic Solutions, LLC staff participated in identification and selection of appropriate hydrodynamic, sediment transport and biological modeling experts from across the country. As a specialty modeling company we are familiar with many experts in the industry, however, for this effort additional background information related to each potential candidate was also collected and reviewed to ensure the panel had the appropriate type and degree of experience. We prepared and distributed project related materials including background documents, the modeling framework document, the modeling QAPP, separate data analyses, graphics and responses to preliminary comments submitted by the selected peer review panel.
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Dynamic Solutions, LLC managed and directed the Housatonic River Modeling Study as an integral component of this high visibility restoration effort. Dynamic Solutions LLC provided technical support for a feasibility evaluation of remedial alternatives associated with river diversion, contaminated sediment removal, leaching of DNAPL into groundwater and subsequent environmental restoration with the physical, biological, and anthropogenic affects of each alternative considered. DSLLC managed all aspects of work performed by the modeling team for this very high visibility project with responsibility for the development of the model grid, hydrodynamic model, sediment transport model, and the PCB transport and fate model. Modeling efforts included an evaluation of the hydrodynamic and sediment transport effects of rare flood events on the re-introduction of contaminated sediments into the surface water environment. In support of modeling efforts related to the implementation of EFDC, an advanced hydrodynamic and water quality model, Dynamic Solutions, LLC developed EFDC_Explorer as an innovative GUI software tool.
A process for peer reviews was also negotiated by EPA and followed through each major phase of the Housatonic project. The process included a public meeting peer review component and a separate 30-day review component. The Dynamic Solutions, LLC staff participated in identification and selection of appropriate hydrodynamic, sediment transport and biological modeling experts from across the country. As a specialty modeling company we are familiar with many experts in the industry, however, for this effort additional background information related to each potential candidate was also collected and reviewed to ensure the panel had the appropriate type and degree of experience. We prepared and distributed project related materials including background documents, the modeling framework document, the modeling QAPP, separate data analyses, graphics and responses to preliminary comments submitted by the selected peer review panel.
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